We give the finger to the status quo
You notice the most authentic people in the world are children before we mess them up and old people who don’t give a sh*t?
So what the heck do we do about the 75 years in between?
whoisCH!CK is my invitation to you to join me in reclaiming our authenticity. It’s where we dare ourselves to ask “who am I?” Then double-dare each other to honor the answer.
I call it adventures in self-discovery
Screw what others think.
Life’s way more fun when you DO YOU… full tilt.
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This site is no longer active.
But if you like the vibe here, please come visit us at our new endeavor.
We love storytelling
Personal development can be so stiff and serious. That’s why I created CH!CK TV. I make fun web shows centered around characters like you and me. They may be flawed but they are also dreamers eager to realize their greatness.
CH!CK is my award-winning web series about one girls dream to become a real life superhero.
Do you know what the #1 Dream Killer is?
Make friends with fear and your life will never be the same. Guaranteed!
Wanna take the leap?